Pamela Maass Garrett

Plan for Death to Enhance your Life

Pamela Maass Garrett is an award-winning Estate Planning Attorney, Author, Mother, and CEO of Law Mother LLC, a law firm she founded to help parents protect their futures and loved ones. Pamela is the first lawyer in her family and when she announced she was going to law school her family was not very happy about it. She had family members who had bad experiences with lawyers and didn’t trust lawyers. Pamela understands that the discomfort people have around lawyers is a big barrier for people accessing legal services. Her mission is to simplify the often-complex world of legal, tax, and financial matters, making them accessible to everyone. Leveraging her background in comedy writing, Pamela adds humor to discussions around end-of-life topics, making them more approachable. She strives to simplify legal concepts on social media, to her over 900k followers and with her bestselling book, “Legally Ever After”.